General information
To comply with the established by Law 34/2002, of July 11, Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, below you can find the general information of this site:
Stéphane Antoine
Cmno. Vecinal de Vargas 23, 35259 Agüimes, Gran Canaria, España.
Terms of use
Stéphane Antoine is owner of the trademark, domain and the website (hereinafter site)
Intellectual property
The entire site (text, images, trademarks, logos, audio and video files, buttons, color combinations, and the structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of content) is protected by Spanish and international laws of Intellectual property. Furthermore, the content of those websites is also considered a computer program and is applicable throughout the European Community and Spanish legislation in force on the subject. The total or partial reproduction of those websites is absolutely forbidden without the express written permission of Stéphane Antoine.
Stéphane Antoine, among other services, compiles a series of links to other websites. These links do not represent any type of relationship between Stéphane Antoine and individuals or business owners of the mentioned websites. Stéphane Antoine is not responsible for the content published in the linked pages and does not necessarily share the views expressed therein and respects the intellectual property rights that the authors may have.
User access to the portal, the website can be visited freely by users., the website can be visited freely by users but need a username and password to access to the content.
Policy of protection of personal data
The criteria and rules that Stéphane Antoine follows regarding the use of the data that you freely and voluntarily provide through our websites, is:
As part of compliance with the legislation on protection of personal data , contained in Law 15/ 1999 of December 13 , aimed at ensuring the protection and processing of personal data, the freedom and fundamental rights of individuals , and especially their honor and personal privacy, Stéphane Antoine convey users who have taken technical and organizational measures in accordance with current regulations .
Stéphane Antoine also guarantees the confidentiality of data related to user queries, both from Stéphane Antoine as by those entities involved in accordance with the purpose and object of the same. The purpose of these consultations is to enable the fluidity in relations between Stéphane Antoine and the users.
The user may at any time exercise their rights, under the aforementioned Act, of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by communicating to the following email address:
These rights may also be exercised in the terms the current regulations establish and using the different means included in the contact section of the website.
Return policies, cancellation and minimum age:
Being digital products (pdf format and videos) with immediate delivery and access, it will not be possible any cancellation or refund of amounts paid for products purchased online.
If you have had problems with the correct receipt of the products purchased, please get in touch via email
Minimum age to purchase products online: 18 years
© 2025 Todos los derechos reservados
Nota importante:
La información disponible en la pagina web "" así como la que se envía por cualquier medio en nombre de "" contiene opiniones particulares sobre los mercados financieros, algunos productos bancarios y en particular sobre el mercado de divisas, que tiene como finalidad ayudarles a entender los mismos. No pueden ni deben ser interpretadas en ningún momento como un asesoramiento financiero ni como recomendaciones de compra o de venta de activos financieros y en particular divisas. De la misma forma, cualquier información facilitada en la pagina web anteriormente citada, bien enviada por cualquier medio en su nombre o bien facilitada en una entrevista personal tendrá como objetivo exclusivo, aclarar las dudas que podrían tener los clientes con un producto ofrecido por su banco, pero en ningún momento, recomendarle la compra o venta del mismo o de cualquier producto financiero del tipo que sea. Tendrán que entender que no recomendamos la compra o venta de ningún producto financiero del índole que sea, solo tratamos de aclarar las dudas que puedan tener con los mismos.
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